Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Freedom Day

The 27 April is the commemoration of the first democratic elections held in South Africa. It is a day to celebrate how far we have come since the harrowing days of Apartheid's rule in our country. It is also a day rippled with an unfortunate is bitter sweet. Although we have managed to move along in our 11th year of democracy, there are still so many elements of our society held captive by the long lasting sting of apartheid. Poverty is rife, crime is on the rise, and voters are apathetic despite our new found opportunity to voice our opinions in a 'free and fair' election. On the other hand, we have moved forward, and the progress that has been made in ten years far exceeds what probably should be expected from a country that underwent such drastic and rapid transformations. So although it is important on this day to herald our successes, it is also crucial to keep at the forefront of our minds, the changes that need to be made to ensure that democracy reigns.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Petty Theft

Theft in Grahamstown seems to have absolutely sky-rocketed this year...or perhaps it is just that it has started to affect my world that i have noticed it. In our street alone there have been at least 5 break-ins, or attempted break-ins in the past two months. It seems to be a hopeless situation, poverty is not going anywhere and neither is the huge divide between 'student' Grahamstown and the 'real' Grahamstown. The sad fact is, these 'thieves' are most likely mere kids roped in by older gang members to do their dirty work. Students are getting angry and frustrated at the situation, and many have sworn violence upon any intruders caught on their property. However it is not violence that will solve this problem. It will merely aggravate an already hopeless situation. Police could perhaps help by patrolling our suburbs instead of targeting student drinking holes...or is it that they realise that it is a situation beyond their control..

Sunday, April 23, 2006

I have finally begun my blogging venture...but bare with me as I feel it will take some time to get on track! Considering that I have dedicated a fair amount of my Sunday afternoon to setting this up..I feel I am deserving of some applause!